
Thursday, 29 August 2013

Simple Sweet Fragrant Omelette

This is a very simple and healthy breakfast which my children like it.  As long as it's not plain bread with jam and butter, they will be grinning from ear to ear. It could be anything; sandwich or just omelette.  We have half-boiled free ranged chicken eggs almost every morning too and they are more or less being 'forced' to eat!  So this type of simple omelette for breakfast is enough to bring smiles to their faces as they know that they would not be able to have any homemade bread, cakes, cookies or buns from their mummy.  Sigh.... I think it's high time for me take up simple baking...:) 
Simple but healthy breakfast consists of simple omelette with barley green beans dessert

Ingredients :
- 6 eggs (beaten and mixed with seasonings)
- 3 cheesy hot dogs (sliced)
- 1 big tomatoes (sliced)
- 1 big onions (chopped)
- some fresh basil
- some butter for frying

Seasonings : (to taste)
- salt
- pepper
- soy sauce

Method :
1)  Heat butter in a pan or wok.  I used happy call pan.
2)  Saute onions and hot dogs until fragrant and spread it evenly all over the pan.
3)  Pour in beaten egg and cover the lid.
4)  Cook over slow medium heat.  When the omelette is semi-cooked, add tomato and basil.
5)  Slow cook both sides until slightly brown.
6)  Dish out and serve immediately with tomato sauce.
It's quick, easy and simple breakfast!

I am submitting this to the Little Thumbs Up "Egg" event organized by Bake for Happy Kids, my little favourite DIY and hosted by Baby Sumo of Eat Your Heart Out.

I'm linking this post to September 2013 Cooking With Herbs Blog Challenge hosted by Lavender and Lovage.

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  1. Hello ivy! you are so lucky anak-anak you pandai makan tomatoes, if my anak surely rejected it! geram betul!

    yea, the way you create your omelette, memang menyehatkan dan sesuai untuk lunch and dinner too, kan? Mula2 akak ingatkan omelette tu ada sausages, rupanya tomato...betul2 salute kat you and anak2...

    you have a nice day dear, take care ya!

    1. Queenie dear, ya, anak2 I memang suka tomatoes. Eh... omelette ni ada sausages lah, cheesy hotdog. sedap juga :) Cheers :)

  2. Ivy, love your dish. my kids love tomato so much, he can just eating the raw tomato as well and the cook one also.

  3. easy and simple yummy home cooked dish.

  4. Ivy, I would love to have this omelette for my breakfast! Love all the ingredients. So, when are you baking :) ?

    1. Yes, Phong Hong, come come come..... when??? Just let me know :)

  5. The simple flavors are so good and its a perfect side for rice.

  6. Hi Ivy , this is a must have for my kids (husband too) a good breakfast helps to start your kids day off to a good start . Thanks for sharing :).

  7. yummy! But I would love to have the green bean soup as well!

    1. By all means, Jozelyn :) When are you coming?

  8. That's a really delicious looking omelette.. I like that there are so much ingredients inside.

  9. Hi Ivy, this omelet look good, very inviting. Plus the green bean tong sui sure extra oohhmmm... :))

    Best regards.

    1. Amelia, thanks so much for your time. Take care and cheers :)

  10. You're such a great mummy, making this for your kids early in the morning. Thumbs up from me ;)

    1. Yen, I'm not as great as you think! My children have half-boiled eggs or just something simple almost every morning. I only make something different on weekends morning and the above omelette was on a Sunday morning before they go for their ballet lesson. In fact I am very lazy and at times, just eat whatever is available.
      Have a great weekend, Yen :)


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