
Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Basic No-Knead Bread (Grant Loaf)

This basic no-knead bread is called Grant Loaf and can be made in less than 2 hours!
This is my very first home baked bread. It's very easy and fuss-free. Why I like this is that I just have to dump all the ingredients into a mixer and when the dough mixture is ready, just let it proof for about an hour and straight into the oven it goes!

After, 35 minutes or so, you have freshly baked bread ready for you.
It's so easy and simple and suitable for those busy housewives who want a quick simple bread for the family.                            

Basic No-Knead Bread
Recipe source : Bread Kitchen (with minor modifications in red)

Ingredients :
- 450 g wholemeal or white bread flour (high protein flour)
- 385 g lukewarm water or milk (350ml = 3 tbsp milk powder + warm water)
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp dried yeast
- 1 tsp sugar

Instructions :
1)  Add sugar and yeast into water or milk and leave it for 10 minutes for the yeast to activate.
2)  Mix the flour and salt in a bowl.  
3)  Then add the activated yeast mixture into no. (2).
4)  Mix well to achieve a smooth and sticky dough.  I used electric mixer.
5)  Lightly grease a 21cm x 11cm loaf pan and pour the dough mixture in.  Spread the dough evenly.  Cover and leave in a warm place for about an hour.
6)  Once the dough starts to rise above the level of the loaf tin, bake at pre-heated oven at 200°C for 35 minutes depending on individual oven temperature.  I baked at 190°C for 40 minutes.
7)  Remove from the loaf pan and allow to cool on a wire rack.

Note :  The loaves freeze well so you can bake several at once if you have enough loaf pans.
This simple bread is suitable for those who don't have any knowledge of bread baking ~ like me
If you are not a fussy eater, overall, this bread is great with a cup of hot coffee
Have fun baking your home baked bread with your children :)

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  1. Hi Ivy! Wah, I see that you have progressed to baking bread! Your bread looks good and I like that it does not require kneading. Looks like your family can now enjoy freshly baked bread. Thumbs up, Ivy!

    1. Thanks Phong Hong for your kind words. Yes, I have baked several cakes and breads (yet to post) and am loving it. Thanks for dropping by and warmest regards :)

  2. Hi Ivy,
    From baking cakes to making bread! Yay!
    Your bread looks wonderful. Now your family will look forward to homemade breads!

    1. Hi Joyce, thanks for stopping by. Hahaha... I am still learning and through some trials and errors hopefully I might be able to have a real perfect bakes one day. You have a nice day and cheers :)

  3. Hi Ivy. Enjoy this bread with a cup of black coffee... wah heaven!

    1. Thanks MamaFaMi. This bread is great with a cup of kopi-O indeed! Cheers and regards :)

  4. You sure made it sound easy. Let me see because I have your previous baking recipes still staged and here comes another. Bread is definitely inviting Ivy.

    1. Hi Nava, this bread recipe is indeed very easy as you know lah.. I only go for easy peasy and hassle free baking for a start. Then, later, only slowly going into more complicated baking. My girls can also bake this so you can imagine how easy peasy it is! Have a great week and regards, Nava :)

  5. Perfect! can't believe this is your first time
    Dish it out- Wholegrain Dishes

    1. Thanks Hasna for your kind words and taking time to drop by. You have a nice day and cheers :)

  6. hey Ivy ! beeen some time..hope u keeping well. Well..count me in too..this bread wud work great for me too. I still have not baked my own bread till now..always wanted to, but had been skeptical and was keeping it away. But u are really tempting me to give a try. keep in touch...rgds...

    1. Hi Sona, How do you do? Glad to see you dropping by. Yes, this bread is very easy to make and now I am getting addicted to bread baking besides cakes baking, hehehe... Try this simple recipe and you'ld definitely love it! Take care and regards :)

  7. Wow, for your first bread you really did a great job...the bread looks delicious Ivy!
    Hope you are enjoying your week dear :D

    1. Thanks Juliana. You enjoy your great week too, dear and regards :)

  8. I love no knead bread! This looks amazing!


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