Monday, 23 September 2013

Simple Stir Fried Chayote Shoots/Dragon Beard or Dragon Whiskers (龍鬚菜) with Dried Shrimps

Chayote shoots and fruits are believed to have diuretic, cardiovascular and anti-inflammatory properties. It's also said that tea made from the leaves has been used in the treatment of arteriosclerosis and hypertension, and to dissolve kidney stones.
My family eat  chayote  and its shoots from time to time.  Chayote shoots also known as 龍鬚菜 in Chinese and it means dragon's beard or dragon's whiskers.  
It's very delicious even with just simple stir fried.  I usually stir fried it with chili paste, sambal belacan and at times just a simple stir fried with dried shrimps or anchovies.  It's very yummy and my children who don't really fancy vegetables, love it.  Besides, it's very healthy and delicious too.

Ingredients :
- 1 bunch of chayote shoots (cut according to your desired length)
- 1 tbsp of dried shrimps (washed)
- 1 red chili (sliced)
- 3 cloves garlic (crushed)
- oil
-salt (to taste)
Method :
1)  Heat oil in a wok and saute garlic and dried shrimps until aromatic.
2)  Add chayote shoots and stir fry until cook.  Add water if too dry.
3)  Dish up and serve.
This simple stir fried is so healthy and nutritious
Yummy and healthy for the whole family :)

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  1. Hi Ivy, don't think I've eaten this vege. Macam never see this in market or supermarket. Next time go market must open my eyes big big. :))

    But your look appetizing. Anything with fried shrimp I sure like.

    Wish you speedy recovery, take care. Have a nice day.

  2. Love this healthy and delicious dish. I can have this everyday!

  3. My fav! But only can found in my hometown :(

    1. Too bad. Sometimes can get it from the supermarket too.

  4. I am sure about the name of the leaves but it looks quite familiar. I know how awesome the taste must have been because I use dried prawns for stir fries too.

    1. Yes, Nava. dried prawns is great with any types of stir fried veggie.

  5. This vegetable is delicious, either simple stir-fried or with sambal belachan.

  6. Hi Ivy , looks so delicious , it's a must try , it will perk up the old taste buds thanks for sharing :).

  7. Hi Ivy! I have never tried this vegetable before! So Sua Ku!

    1. Hahaha... Alvin. Not sua ku but you are too urbanised! This veggie is abundant in kampungs.

  8. o ivy dear...akak selalu nampak sayur ni kat pasar tapi tak pernah beli..macam pucuk labu tapi bukan pucuk labu...tu yang garu kepala tanya diri sendiri, ni sayur boleh masak apa?...pekerja kat situ cakap ni orang Vietnam punya fav, so akak cuma tengok jer la...pernah terfikir nak beli and try masak lemak macam pucuk labu tu tapi tak berani pulak hahahah...takut mabuk tergolek macam makan daun kaduk dulu ker LOL..
    okay, lepas ni nak try masak la..thanks cayang kasi tunjuk ini masakan, macam tau2 jer akak punya instinct heheeh

    pssst akak dah try your labu tumis tu, sedap babe, nanti free akak tunjuk dlm blog ya...

    1. hahaha.... Kak Q, same mind think alike! Sayur ni juga boleh masak ngan lemak atau sambal belacan. Sedaplah... Tak mabuk..... Ini bukan daun kaduk... Kalau sayur ni Kak Q mabuk jugak, hai.... tak payah lah makan sayur lagi. Makan daging aje!!!!! Sayur ni lebih sedap dpd pucuk keledek dan kangkung. Murah jugak!

  9. I have never seen this veg before, shall go and look out for it. Your veggie dish makes my mouth water!

  10. I love this simple and delicious dish, definitely comfort food for me.

  11. Love this vege especially with sambal belacan but I find them hard to come by these days. Good to know its health benefits, thanks for sharing!

  12. What an interesting meal, Ivy. And so healthy too! It's always a delight when you can prepare a meal that is healthy and delicious and one the kids like too!!! Thanks for sharing...

  13. Ivy,

    Nice blog. Tks for visiting my blog....

    1. You are welcome Priscilla and thanks for visiting my blog too. Have a nice day!

  14. Just mouthwatering....looks delicious!

  15. Hi Ivy, I hoped you didn't think that I didn't want to follow you back, or leave a comment. Finally now, your Google Follow shows up on the right side-bar. Before it did not. Also now, I see where the 'comment section' is. Thank you for following my blog and also I do appreciate you kind comments, and friendship. Amelia is such a sweet friend to us; she is always ready to help friends.

    Getting to your amazing healthy and delicious Chayote shoots. I did not know all the important health benefits from it...I will be sure to eat more of it now...especially the way you made them. So colorful, tasty and so good for you...delicious! xo

    1. Oh, don't say that Elisabeth. How could I think that you didn't want to follow me back. Anyway, I am glad that you visit my humble blog. yes, Amelia is a nice and sweet lady and a great friend too. Yeah, chayote shoots is very healthy and delicious too. Have a great day and take care :)

    2. Hi my dear Elisabeth & Ivy, thank you very much for your sweet compliments. How can I not love both of you this much....... this much....... both of you are my sweet sisters. :)

      Have a nice weekend.

    3. Thanks so much, my dear Amelia. Have a great weekend too. <3

  16. Hi Ivy! I have seen this vegetable but I was not sure how to cook it. The most prominent feature is the curly leaves and at first it looked a bit weird. I also seen this vege at chap fan stall but I dare not try. Now that I see you have a good recipe here, I will buy this chayote shoots and try it at home :)

    1. Yes Phong Hong. I'm sure you will like it as it's indeed very yummy :)

  17. interesting..and yes..very healthy a serving.. :)

  18. oh yes, this is very tasty ..i usually stir fry them with belacan , dried shrimps and chilli padi too if there's no chilli paste at home.

    1. Yes, Lena. I cook this almost every week! Have a nice day, Lena :)

  19. Gosh! None of the names I'm familiar with. I enjoy a good plate of vegetables too! Those thin shreds look like spinach noodles...... :)

    1. Spinach noodles, Shirley! You are great! hahaha

  20. Hi Ivy,
    This looks delicious and healthy!

  21. Thanks Joyce and have a great weekend with your loved ones :)

  22. Hi Ivy, wow! I love this vegetable dish! And your photograph really enhances it too.
    You not only a good cook, the kind of cook that can make a man under different circumstances bring home introduce to his mummy...but a good photographer too. Very rarely this 2 combination. You are exceptional.
    And that red Chile certainly adds to the charm of your already appetizing dish. Outstanding!
    Ivy, there is no spectacle on earth more appealing than that of a beautiful mother or wife in the act of cooking dinner for her loved ones.
    You have a beautiful Sunday, and keep a song in your heart.
    Best regards,
    PS, I've specially put back some previous postings specially for you.
    Appreciate your leave your beautifully manicured fingerprints behind. Thank you.

  23. Hi Lee, first of all, thanks so much for visiting my humble blog. I am so thrilled and flattered by your sweet compliments and words. Have a great weekend and be well.
    PS , noted with thanks.

  24. Hi lvy,
    This is my family's favorite too.
    Simply delicious.

    1. Hi Mui Mui, yes, our favourite too and yummy :)

  25. Nice info on using Chayote


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