Don't let your Mandarin Peels go to waste.
2 big trays of Mandarin peels
Pop into the dehydrator and leave it for 16 hrs or more depending on your dehydrator model or until the peels are fully dehydrated.
It stays good for years if properly kept.
Tips - Keep dehydrated peels in an airtight container in a cool and dark place. It stays good for several years.
Usage -
1) Jazz Up Your Red Bean Soup dessert by adding strips of dried mandarin peels into the soup while cooking.
2) Flavor your Chinese stews and slow cooked dishes by adding dried Mandarin peels.
3) Add some dried mandarin peels into any of your favorite tea for a more refreshing and citrusy flavor.
4) Grind into powder to use for baking and as meat marinades or salad dressings.
5) and many many more depending on your creativity ššš