Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Star Fruit Can Kill

After reading an e-mail from a friend, I did a search online and The Star paper did have a write up in 23rd April 2008 (as attached).

This fruit can end your life! This is not an April Fool Joke. But a stern reminder to all my readers.

We were advised to have a few servings of fruits a day in order to reap the benefits of fruits, right?

But obviously this is one big no-no fruit to be excluded from your fruity feast!

In Shenzen, more than 10 people who consumed the star fruit had died.

And now a 66-year-old, Malaysian who has been suffering from kidney ailment fell into coma after eating the star fruits.

Yes, all it takes is one fruit or 100ml of its juice and the ordinarily harmless star fruit transforms poison in a matter of hours for kidney patients.

So does this mean, people without kidney problems should be fine with star fruit!

My take: Not at all! Prevention is better, right?

Universiti Malaya Medical Centre consultant nephrologist said that star fruits contain a neurotoxin which is not present in other fruits. It affects the brain and nerves.

In healthy persons, the kidneys filter it out. But for those with kidney problems, this potent toxin cannot be removed and will worsen the consumers' conditions.

The symptoms of start fruit poisoning include: ~ Hiccups ~ Numbness and weakness ~ Feeling confused ~ Agitation ~ Epileptic fist

The risk of death is high if you are having kidney ailments!

But healthy individuals should beware of this fruit's potential toxin too.

It could also cripple your vitality if you are not lucky.

So don't take it for granted.

It's better to avoid them.

Please pass this news to others.

So be warned. If you have kidney impairment, DO NOT consume Starfruit or Starfruit juice.

Tuesday, 29 May 2012


Very Important, EGG is good for cancer too.

Written by Dr JB Lim is the current TOP Nutritionist in Malaysia .

#Dear all,
Thank you for asking me.
Sometime back someone asked me the same question about eggs and its effect on health. I have already written and replied to him or her in a lengthy article supporting the nutritive and health benefits of eggs. I also gave scientific updates on more recent findings some of which are correctly given here as sent to me.

However the author of the article need to give at least some references of papers published in scientific journals to support the claims even though they are right.

But to super-summarize what I wrote last time in just 13 lines without me having to go all over again explaining the complexities of physiology, biochemistry, nutritional pathogenesis related to eggs and waste time and effort again, below are the yes points about eggs in human nutrition.
But I have to leave out some minor no points since the positive benefits far outweigh its negative values.

1. Eggs and milk are among the best foods for the body especially to a growing child.
2. Eggs do not cause an elevation of blood cholesterol
3. Eggs do not clog up the coronary vessels as once thought. In fact the opposite is now true
4. Eggs are low in energy value, and is a factor to consider in the formulation of a caloric-restriction diet
5. Eggs protein quality is extremely high, and has a very high nitrogen-retention value. Hence it is extremely useful in post-surgical care, trauma, and in post-management of hypovolemic shock against negative nitrogen balance
6. Eggs contain vitamin D in its natural form. The benefits of vitamin D require several chapters on human nutrition in medicine to discuss. And I refuse to repeat
7. Eggs are cancer-protective, especially for breast cancer
8. Eggs are very rich in sulfur-containing amino acids methionine which is a very crucial amino-acid in blocking damaging free radicals. These are directly linked to the pathogenesis of heart disease, cancers, DNA damage, all degenerative disorders, and accelerated aging.
9. Eggs protect against fatty liver, slow growth, macular degeneration (degeneration of the macula area of the retina in the eyes. This is responsible for central vision for reading, face recognition and detailed vision), edema (water retention), and various skin lesions
10. Eggs promote healthy growth of nails, hair and skin
11. Eggs are rich in tryphophan, selenium, iodine, and riboflavin (vitamin B2)
12. Eggs selenium content is cardio-protective against Keshan disease, cardiomyopathies (diseases involving the heart muscles, cardiomegaly (enlarged heart), myocardial dysfunction (poor heart function) and death from heart failure.
13. Eggs are protective against Kashin-Beck disease (osteoarthropathy), myxedematous endemic cretinism (mental retardation)
14. The list goes on…on!

Regards, and ask me no more on eggs. I have lots of other questions awaiting answers.

jb lim
4:35 a.m.
24 August, 2010 #

This is one of those articles that may make one go to extreme and consume too much. Remember -- anything that is consumed too much is bad for your health. Do everything in moderation.

10 Health Benefits of Eggs

1. Eggs are great for the eyes. According to one study, an egg a day may prevent mascular degeneraton due to the carotenoid content, specifically lutein and zeaxanthin. Both nutrients are more readily available to our bodies from eggs than from other sources.

2. In another study, researchers found that people who eat eggs every day lower their risk of developing cataracts, also because of the lutein and zeaxanthin in eggs.

3. One egg contains 6 grams of high-quality protein and all 9 essential amino acids.

4. According to a study by the Harvard School of Public Health, there is no significant link between egg consumption and heart disease. In fact, according to one study, regular consumption of eggs may help prevent blood clots, stroke, and heart attacks.

5. They are a good source of choline. One egg yolk has about 300 micrograms of choline. Choline is an important nutrient that helps regulate the brain, nervous system, and cardiovascular system.

6. They contain the right kind of fat. One egg contains just 5 grams of fat and only 1.5 grams of that is saturated fat.

7. New research shows that, contrary to previous belief, moderate consumption of eggs does not have a negative impact on cholesterol. In fact, recent studies have shown that regular consumption of two eggs per day does not affect a person's lipid profile and may, in fact, improve it. Research suggests that it is saturated fat that raises cholesterol rather than dietary cholesterol.

8. Eggs are one of the only foods that contain naturally occurringvitamin D.

9. Eggs may prevent breast cancer. In one study, women who consumed at least 6 eggs per week lowered their risk of breast cancer by 44%.

10. Eggs promote healthy hair and nails because of their high sulphur content and wide array of vitamins and minerals. Many people find their hair growing faster after adding eggs to their diet, especially if they were previously deficient in foods containing sulphur or B12.

Monday, 28 May 2012

A Great Way to Travel......


This is just fantastic. Pick out any interesting location around the world and click on it. A page will come up with a photo. In the center is a circle with a triangle. Click on the triangle. Now you get a full picture. If it's not a full screen, click on the 4 dots in the lower right corner. Now with full screen, place your curser anywhere on the screen and slowly drag the picture in any direction you want. Left, right, up, down, slow or stop. Try the Egyptian Pyramids in Egypt or Moscow, Kremlin to get started. Enjoy.

Panoramas and 3D. Tours of the Most Beautiful Places Around the World!

Click on the below City Names Enjoy !

Victoria Falls,                                  Zambia
   •   Venezuela,                                  Surroundings of Angel Falls,                                  Venezuela   •   Angel falls,                                  Venezuela   •  Kalyan                                  Minaret, Bukhara, Uzbekistan   • Miami,                                  USA   •   Las Vegas,                                  USA   •   Lake Powell,                                  USA   •   Manhattan, New                                  York, USA   •   Golden Gate                                  Bridge, San Francisco,                                  USA   •   Millennium UN                                  Plaza Hotel, New York,                                  USA   •   Oahu, Hawaii,                                  USA   •   Las Vegas, Nevada,                                  USA   •   Millennium UN                                  Plaza Hotel, New York,                                  USA   •   Golden Gate                                  Bridge, USA   •   Statue of Liberty,                                  New York, USA                                    •   Manhattan, New                                  York, USA   •   Hollywood,                                  California, USA                                    •   San Juan and                                  Colorado rivers, USA                                    •   Goosenecks, Utah,                                  USA   •   Mono Lake,                                  California, USA                                    •   Millennium UN                                  Plaza Hotel, New York,                                  USA   • Chicago, Illinois,                                  USA   •   Los Angeles,                                  California, USA                                    •   Kiev,                                  Ukraine   •   Ay-Petri,                                  Ukraine   •   Dubai,                                  UAE   •  Dubai, Islands,                                  UAE   •   Palm Jumeirah,                                  Dubai, UAE   •  Bangkok,                                  Thailand   •   Sankt-Moritz,                                  Switzerland   •   Cape Good Hope,                                  South Africa                                    •   Cape-Town, South                                  Africa   •  Moscow, MSU,                                  Russia   •   Moscow, Kremlin,                                  Bolotnaya Square , Russia                                    •   Moscow,                                  Russia   •   Moscow Kremlin,                                  Russia   •   55.748765;37.540841,                                  Russia   •   Moscow City,                                  Russia   •   Kremlin, Moscow,                                  Russia   •   Moscow City,                                  Russia   •   Trinity Lavra of                                  Sait Sergius, Russia                                    •   Saint-Petersburg,                                  Russia  •  New Jerusalem                                  Monastery, Russia                                    •   Saint Petersburg,                                  Russia   •   Novodevichy                                  Convent. Moscow, Russia                                    •  Ramenki,Moscow,                                  Russia   •   MKAD, Moscow,                                  Russia   •  Moscow,                                  Russia   •  Moscow,                                  Russia   •   Krokus Expo                                  Center, Moscow, Russia                                    •   Moscow Region,                                  Russia  •  Moeraki Boulders,                                  New Zealand   •   Fiordland, New                                  Zealand   •  Nepal,                                  Nepal   •   Maldives,                                  Maldives   •  Kuala-Lumpur,                                  Malaysia   •  Grimsvotn,                                  Iceland   •   Amsterdam,                                  Holland   •  Neuschwanstein                                  Castle, Germany                                    •   Egyptian Pyramids,                                  Egypt   •   Hong Kong,                                  China   •  The Iguassu Falls,                                  Brazil   •  Twelve Apostles                                  Marine National Park,                                  Australia   •   Sydney,                                  Australia   •   Buenos Aires,                                  Argentina   •