This is a very simple pan fried dish using HappyCall Pan.
Ingredients :
- 2 medium sized brinjals (washed and cut. Sprinkle some salt onto the pieces of eggplants and set aside)
- red chilies (washed and sliced)
- 3 pips garlic (crushed)
- 1 tbsp taucu
Seasonings : (to taste)
- salt
- soy sauce
- sugar
Method :
1) Heat some cooking oil in the Happy Call pan. Pan fry both sides of all the brinjals until slightly brown.
2) Dish out and set aside.
3) Saute garlic and chilies until aromatic.
4) Then, add taucu, sugar and some water. Mix well and let it simmer for a while.
5) Return the brinjals to the pan. Give it a quick stir.
6) Dish up and serve hot.
Simple and yummy...